
Get A Higher Price For Your Home

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Sell Your Home For Thousands More

Sell at a higher price with more control.


We're an international company featured on NBC, CBS, and ABC news.


You see the highest offers from the best buyers in the market for your home in 8 days or less.


Put in your address, answer a few questions, get a price on your home.

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How it Works

Building Buyer Excitement

Rather than relying on automation & lockboxes, our process utilizes social proof, scarcity & fear-of-loss to get buyers excited to see your home. 

Generating Higher Offers

Our program utilizes modern sales psychology that fortune 500 companies use to sell their products for higher prices, and help us gain "inside" knowledge we need to help negotiate higher offers. 

Attracting More Buyers

We implement modern, strategic marketing proven to result in more buyer inquiries for your home. 

Proven Results

Five independent studies over 3 years (2020-2022) showed that home sellers who sold with 72SOLD achieved a median sale price between 8.4%-12% higher than their local MLS. 

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Another Happy Client

The Traditional Process

  • Lengthy Commitment
  • Automated Showings
  • Hope Marketing
  • Live with Uncertainty

Our 72-Hour Program

  • 8-day Expectation
  • Opporunity Showings
  • Proven Results
  • Eliminate Uncertainty
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